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CITES Framework Development Process

Icons representing the CITES Framework

CITES aims to assist districts to create and sustain inclusive technology ecosystems that foster intentional collaboration between educational technology (EdTech), assistive technology (AT), and information technology (IT) to benefit students with disabilities and all students. CITES uses a design-thinking process, in partnership with districts, to refine a set of practices (the Framework) that enhance the development of a balanced and inclusive technology infrastructure.

The CITES Framework is based on current research and understanding gained from the project’s Knowledge Development Districts. Knowledge Development districts serve as an exemplar in one or more areas of inclusive technology implementation.

CITES tests and refines the Framework practices in collaboration and co-development with Framework Development Districts. The Framework Development Districts made a long-term commitment with CITES to try out evidence-based practices and provide cyclical feedback on what works to build an inclusive technology ecosystem. What is learned together is informing the development of the CITES Framework.

CITES made an early strategic decision to use the categories identified in the National Education Technology Plan (NETP) as a foundation for the CITES Framework. NETP includes UDL, AT, and accessibility. In this work, CITES clarifies and expands those concepts and provides guidance for creating a balanced, inclusive technology ecosystem.

We are developing the CITES framework in phases. For each phase, the overview pages (Leadership, Infrastructure, Teaching, Learning, and Assessment) will highlight promising practices, offer a training tutorial, a district self-assessment, and a goal-setting tool. Case stories, vignettes, resources, and supporting research will be made available to support the district’s journey toward a more inclusive, collaborative technology ecosystem.

Current phases:

  • Leadership: In evidence review
  • Teaching: In evidence review
  • Learning: In evidence review
  • Assessment: In evidence review
  • Infrastructure: In framework development
  • Family Engagement: In framework development
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