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Infrastructure in Inclusive Technology Systems

Line drawing of a laptop computer with a settings symbol and a security symbol

Get Started with Infrastructure Practices:

Building and sustaining a robust infrastructure requires serious attention to the hardware, software, and connectivity that are chosen and used across the district to ensure that technology is usable by the broadest range of learners. Inclusive, collaborative technology planning is critical to support this work. Learn more via the CITES Leadership resources. 

A robust infrastructure requires attention to the hardware, software, and connectivity that are selected and used across the district to ensure the technology is usable by the broadest range of learners. Overcoming the digital access divide is critical to building inclusive technology ecosystems. The digital access divide is defined as providing equitable access to reliable, high-speed connectivity, hardware, and digital resources. Accessibility and digital health, safety, and citizenship are also key to closing the access divide (NETP 2024).

Practices to support inclusive infrastructure include:

Ubiquitous Connectivity

CITES recognizes how access to seamless, high-speed broadband on and off campus serves as a vital component of K-12 school infrastructure. Insufficient home access is problematic for students as expectations for homework, online learning, and school communications typically require broadband access. There are a variety of organizations with expertise in this field as well as federal and public programs that address this issue. Therefore, the CITES infrastructure framework does not include specific practices related to ubiquitous connectivity. However, it does acknowledge the critical need.

To learn more or offer support, visit:

Investigate District Infrastructure Practices

Watch this video to take the first step toward designing inclusive ecosystems by understanding inclusive systems. Visit the rest of our video series: Building a Foundation for Inclusive Technology Systems.

Self-Assessment: Infrastructure Practices

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