Assessment in Inclusive Technology Systems

Get Started with Leadership Practices:
A comprehensive and balanced assessment system combines multiple assessment approaches to make sure that children and youth with disabilities, families, educators, and administrators have sufficient information to make instructional and programmatic decisions. Articulating assessment accommodations, including the accessibility and assistive technology requirements across assessment types, can ensure the assessment system supports all learners. Informing policymakers of such accommodation requirements can better support policy decisions.
CITES assessment practices include:
- Leverage accessible standardized assessments
- Design accessible formative assessments
- Collaborate with testing officials
- Analyze assessment data for decision making
Investigate District Assessment Practices
Watch this video to take the first step toward designing inclusive ecosystems by understanding inclusive technology implementation in multi-tiered systems of support. Visit the rest of our video series: Building a Foundation for Inclusive Technology Systems.
Grab your team and get started with the CITES Self-Assessment: Assessment Practices
Learn From Our Partners

- Webinar: What's It All About? Teaching, Learning & Assessment, Center on Inclusive Technology in Education Systems (CITES) at CAST
- Webinar Series: Learning with the Authors of Inclusive Learning 365, Center on Inclusive Technology in Education Systems (CITES) at CAST
- Webinar: Prioritizing Inclusive Technology Practices for Student-Centered Learning, Educating All Learners Alliance
- Case Story: BISD⎜Clute, TX
- Case Story: CCA⎜Harrisburn, PA
- Case Story: BCSP⎜Baltimore, MD