District Examples
Throughout the CITES framework, we’ve sprinkled stories from our district partners to share real, practical examples of the framework in action. Access the leadership, infrustructure, teaching, learning, and assessment examples below organized by topic. Download the case stories and visit the vignettes to explore the CITES framework from a district perspective.
CITES Stories

Grossmont Union High School District's Story
Throughout the CITES framework development process, Grossmont consistently looked forward to the district's future as a leader in inclusive technology

Jenks’ Public Schools Story
The team at Jenks Public Schools in Jenks, Oklahoma has worked to create and sustain inclusive technology systems.
Building an Inclusive Technology Ecosystem
The Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation (BCSC) implemented a technology plan grounded in the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework so that technology helps to remove barriers and addresses individual learning needs of each student.
Supporting Inclusive Remote Learning for All
Based on data, the Tomball Independent School District leadership laid the foundation for an inclusive technology ecosystem so that struggling students could benefit from accessible technology resources even if they did not have an individualized education program (IEP) or 504 plan.
Leadership Vignettes
- Poway Unified’s Story
Poway Unified School District | San Diego, CA
The EdTech, AT and IT teams worked together to have streamlined technology integration and improved efficiency in the delivery of support for teachers and students. - Intermediate District 287’s Story
Intermediate District 287 | Plymouth, MN
“Accessible from the start,” serves as a guiding principle for District 287 and is a critical element of their strategic planning for technology. - Bellevue’s Story
Bellevue Public Schools | Bellevue, NE
Bellevue places an emphasis on continuous training and coaching for all teachers by building capacity and growing teacher leaders to keep the vision going even in the event of staffing changes and turnover.
- Fairfax's Story
Fairfax County Public Schools | Falls Church, VA
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is a district of 198 schools and centers, with more than 180,000 students, 14.4% of whom have been identified with disabilities. - Tigard-Tualatin's Story
Tigard-Tualatin School District | Tigard, OR
Oregon’s Tigard-Tualatin School District (TTSD) serves the suburban Portland metropolitan area with eighteen schools supporting students from pre-K through 12th grade. - Francis Howell's Story
Francis Howell School District | O'Fallon, MO
Francis Howell School District, Missouri encompasses more than 150 square miles of St. Charles County and prides itself on the focus of empowering students to be lifelong learners prepared for the future. - Hampton Township's Story
Hampton Township School District | Allison Park, PA
The district serves slightly fewer than 3,000 students via three elementary schools, a 6-8 middle school, and a 9-12 high school.
Supporting Inclusive Student-Centered Learning
The Brazosport Independent School District integrates a plan using digital learning coaches in each building to support effective technology integration ensuring equal access for students with disabilities to content and resources.
Teaching Vignettes
- New York City’s Story
New York City Department of Education | New York, NY
NYC DOE took a team-based approach to address the entire system-wide technology by strengthening the capacity of teachers, supervisors, related service providers, and school psychologists to know how to consider AT and conduct AT assessments. - Sheldon’s Story
Sheldon Independent School District | Houston, TX
Sheldon hosts professional development activities focused on the needs of individual learners and special populations, helping teachers learn how to use and apply accessible technology tools in the general education classroom. - Ysleta’s Story
Ysleta Independent School District | El Paso, TX
Ysleta created personalized professional learning opportunities that encouraged educators to grow and learn at their own pace to best meet their needs in their classrooms.
Personalized Online Learning
The custom learning management system developed by the Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA) is designed with a focus on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0), with features and functionality built into the learning platform aligned to UDL principles.
Learning Vignettes
- Loudon’s Story
Loudon County Public Schools | Ashburn, VA
Loudon increased its commitment to universal access to technology in general education by providing tools with features that improve accessibility and by integrating assistive technology. - Fridley’s Story
Fridley Public Schools | Fridley, MN
The AT team focused on expanding the knowledge of tools to support access across the special education and general education teams.
Personalized Professional Learning for Inclusive Technology
The Baltimore County Public Schools’ leadership designed a personalized professional learning program focused on moving beyond device access to rethinking the district approach to teaching, learning, and assessment.
Assessment Vignettes
- Fridley’s Story
Fridley Public Schools | Fridley, MN
AT specialists and special educators work closely with Fridley’s testing coordinator to identify the various accessibility tools and accommodations available. - BCPS’s Story
Baltimore County Public Schools | Baltimore, MD
The Office of Digital Safety, Educational Technology & Library Media created a variety of professional learning options to ensure that teachers have the skills to effectively evaluate student learning and provide constructive, timely, and relevant feedback. - Massachusetts DESE’s Story
Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | Malden, MA
Massachusetts updated its assessment policies to support the provision of “universal accessibility features” and “designated accessibility features” to all students that were previously regarded as accommodations only for students with disabilities. - Bristol Township’s Story
Bristol Township School District | Levittown, PA
With a focus on student-centered, authentic learning, Bristol Township shifted from focusing on standardized testing and traditional assessments to more holistic and alternative measures of student growth to continue to drive personalized instruction.