Technology Leadership in Practice
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
3:30PM –
4:30PM ET
Alise Crossland & Kristin Ruedel, American Institutes for Research (AIR)
- Janna Greathouse
District Special Ed Coordinator for AT at Jenks Public Schools - Sarah Harris
Instructional Supervisor of Technology at Wethersfield Public Schools - Tiffani Brown
Director of Instructional Technology at Grossmont Union HS District
All educators and families, technology leaders (InfoTech, EdTech and Assistive Tech)
Level of Expertise
All levels
With unexpected challenges in education around every turn, the need for technology teams to have a resilient plan and collaborate grows more important each day. What makes the difference between technology planning that consistently meets challenges head-on versus plans and teams that flounder?
This webinar will discuss what the Center on Inclusive Technology & Education Systems (CITES) has learned from our CITES Framework development work with districts across the nation. CITES is building a Framework to bring together education technology (EdTech), information technology (InfoTech), and assistive technology (AT) for the benefit of all students, including students with disabilities. The ongoing challenges that are facing education has emphasized the importance of inclusive technology planning and the difference leadership and collaboration can make in successful pivoting and resiliency of district technology implementation to meet the needs of students. Join us for a panel discussion with some of our CITES Framework Development districts to discuss technology leadership in practice.