Digital Literacy: Educators' Commitment to Accessibility, Equity, Privacy, and Safety
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
11:00AM –
11:45AM ET
Orlando, FL
Christine Fox, CAST and Beatriz Arnillas, 1EdTech Consortium
Conference Attendees
Until recently, being “literate” meant being able to read, write, understand intellectual property, and discern the validity of the author/source. In the digital age, literacy requires more. Today, districts address student data stewardship by vetting educational tools and apps, which ensures privacy, security, and safety compliance with state and federal laws. We also know that phishing scams and online fraud continue to evolve in sophistication and we must prepare our users, so they develop their own radar to detect digital risks. That will make them savvy digital consumers. But true digital literacy should also include preparing all students to be competent, thoughtful, ethical, and creative digital producers. In this session, we will discuss a range of ideas to promote a digital literacy curriculum that includes the rights and responsibilities of digital producers and consumers, including the ability to build inclusive and accessible resources and to assess privacy/security risks, so our students, teachers, and staff are tech-savvy and future-ready. Digital Literacy is the New Street-Smart.