Ensuring Accessibility in Virtual Programs
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
10:00AM –
12:00PM ET
Orlando, FL
Christine Fox, CAST and Chris Smith, NCVPS
Conference Attendees
Check out how the Center on Inclusive Technology & Education Systems (CITES) is empowering PK-12 districts to build inclusive technology ecosystems—composed of assistive technology (AT), educational technology (EdTech), and information technology (IT) systems. As a part of this work, CITES partnered with virtual programs from across the country to support virtual learning opportunities for all students including those with disabilities. One specific partner, the North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) participated in the research process and helped develop multiple guides to support administrators and educators looking to ensure access to assistive technologies (AT) and accessible educational materials (AEM) for students in virtual programs. During this session, participants will delve into virtual learning programs' needs to ensure that students participating have access to AT, AEM, and the accommodations needed to be successful. Participants will explore guides developed by the CITES Virtual Learning Project including how to support IT, AT, and accessibility implementation, develop IEPs/504 Plans for virtual learning and key professional learning considerations. By engaging with these resources, participants will gain insights into best practices, innovative approaches, and evidence-based strategies to empower diverse learners to reach their full potential in virtual environments.