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#InclusiveEdTech is in our CITES: A Fishbowl Perspective to Consensus Building


Saturday, January 27, 2024

8:30AM – 9:30AM ET

Orlando, FL

Maggie Pickett, CAST, Allison Posey, CAST, Tara Courchaine, CAST

Accessibility Professional, ADA Coordinator, Administrators, AT Specialists, Alternative Media Specialist, Caregivers, Communication Specialist, Consumers/Individuals with Disabilities, Consultants/Trainers, Curriculum and Instruction, Disability Services, Educators, Faculty/Instructors - Higher Education, Family Members, Government/Non-Profit Agencies, Instructional Technologist, Media Specialist, Occupational Therapists, Paraprofessionals, Physical Therapists, Rehabilitation Counselor, Speech-Language Pathologists, Special Education Educators, Teachers of the Visually Impaired, Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Transition Coordinator, Visual Impairment Specialists, Vocational Rehabilitation


Building consensus is the beginning of an implementation journey. It can be an emotional, and potentially fatal phase to the implementation process. Join this highly interactive session to observe how to facilitate intentional conversations meant to build consensus around the current state of inclusive technology implementation. We’re getting “fishy” with it and will be using the fishbowl strategy to get these conversations started! Departing gifts will be bestowed to all participants in the form of actionable resources and tools to start your #InclusiveEdTech journey.

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