Unlocking Accessibility: Train the Trainer for Inclusive Leadership
Friday, January 26, 2024
11:00AM –
11:45AM ET
Orlando, FL
Christine Fox, CAST and Maggie Pickett, CAST
Conference attendees
Explore a series of professional learning kits that include videos and resources to help administrators and coaches provide professional learning to support the implementation of inclusive technology practices. The Center on Inclusive Technology & Education Systems (CITES) empowers PK-12 districts to build inclusive technology ecosystems—composed of the collaboration of assistive technology (AT), educational technology (EdTech), and information technology (IT) systems. Through an iterative process, the Center is developing a comprehensive Framework of evidence-based, LEA practices essential to building inclusive technology ecosystems. In partnership with district leaders from across the country, CITES developed a series of professional learning resources that provide videos and activities district leaders can customize and turnkey within their schools or districts to support teams on inclusive technology practices. District leaders can leverage examples from this session to conduct one hour or half day workshops sessions as stand alone sessions or as a part of a series. All resources are openly licensed and customization is encouraged. The session will close with a brainstorming activity to ensure that participants can plan to implement the professional learning series and resources.